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Storylines: Welcome to Nicht-yow-way
The homeland of the Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla – three distinct tribes numbering more than 8,000 people when the Corps of Discovery passed through. For more than 10,000 years, these three tribes have been banded together by blood, culture and history, and have, impressively, maintained their traditional song, dance, art, language, clothing, religion and food, despite vast changes in the environment and culture around them. Of interest on the Umatilla Reservation, just east of Pendleton, are:

  • Tamastslikt Cultural Institute – a 45,000-square-foot interpretive center, and the only facility designed by and about native people along the National Historic Oregon Trail. It was the final of five interpretive centers planned in Oregon as part of the Oregon Trail Sesquicentennial in 1993, opening in 1998. The center features 10,000 square feet of exhibits; a changing exhibit gallery; a museum store with the work of more than 70 local tribal artists; a café; artifact collections and archives. A living-culture village is currently being planned for the center.

  • Walla Walla Treaty Sesquicentennial, 2005 – The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation will commemorate the 1805 treaty signing with an original drama and with other activities that will educate all people about the significance of the treaty, then and now, telling their own story in their own words.

  • Homeland Heritage Corridor – This project promotes a series of driving routes encompassing Lewis & Clark sites, the National Historic Oregon Trail, and attractions within the tribes’ traditional homelands via a map and audio CD.

Charles Denight, Public Relations, (541) 966-1973.
Bobbie Conner, Museum Director, (541) 966-9748,

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Welcome to Nicht-yow-way View Download
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