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Classroom Resources: Curriculum

Lewis and Clark Resources for Oregon Educators

Here are some Oregon teacher-tested curriculum resources for all grades and subject levels as we prepare for the Bicentennial of their time in Oregon Country. Remember to include the tribes who helped them succeed and the many multicultural dimensions of the story. Consider a four-way approach:

  1. What was our region like before the Expedition?
  2. What occurred during the Corps of Discovery’s months in the lower Columbia region and at the coast? (from October, 1805 to April, 1806)
  3. What changes have occurred during the 200 years since that time?
  4. How can we help shape the future of our people and region?

Websites (10 places to start your planning)

  1. What’s happening in Oregon:
  2. To order comprehensive curriculum guide:
  3. National events with teacher links:
  4. Background of the story:
  5. 200 years ago this week:
  6. Lessons contributed by teachers: and
  7. Trail tribes: or
  8. Web quests and technology applications:
  9. Distance learning opportunity with re-enactors (see more information below): [email protected]
  10. Comprehensive links to other good resources:

Free School Presentations with Hands-on Replicas

Oregon National Guard members will, at no cost, visit any Oregon school for Lewis & Clark presentations, complete with a unique Discovery Box and handouts. E-mail [email protected] or call 503-584-3573 to schedule. Link to website with more information.

The Corps of Engineers at each Columbia River dam also offers the Discovery Box presentations to schools at no charge. Contact [email protected] or 503-808-4306.

Curriculum Planning Tools

A tabloid teaching supplement for Grades 4-12, Lewis & Clark Through Native American Eyes, was produced in 2004 by Portland Public Schools with valuable resources on native voices along the trail and how tribes relate to the natural environment. Free copies available by calling 503-916-6499 or e-mail [email protected].

Lewis & Clark Educator’s Resource Guide (review of Lewis & Clark curriculum resources available nationally),

Field Trip Opportunities

Tamástslikt Cultural Institute just east of Pendleton and Warm Springs Museum in Warm Springs provide information on life before Lewis and Clark along the Columbia and surrounding plateaus. Tamástslikt (, 541-966-9748) will launch a living history program in April 2005 and offers a teacher guide for classroom visits. A free map showing original tribal geographic names is particularly valuable. Call 541-553-3331 for information on the Museum at Warms Springs. Fort Clatsop National Memorial, offers several visit options; Cape Disappointment/Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center (north shore of Columbia River) and Ilwaco Heritage Museum (new “Don’t Confuse Me with the Facts” exhibit); Columbia Gorge Discovery Center at The Dalles displays cargo the Corps might have carried (; Oregon Garden, Silverton (plants of Lewis & Clark); Bonneville Dam (Expedition travels through Columbia rapids; salmon/sturgeon).

Calendar of Upcoming Events for School Groups in Oregon

Corps of Discovery II (Tent of Many Voices and Exhibit Tent) is a traveling National Park Service program featuring Lewis and Clark and tribal presentations for students on still-to-be-determined school days. Free.


October 21-24, 2005, Pendleton/Umatilla
October 28-31, The Dalles
November 7-15, Long Beach WA
November 19-22, Seaside
November 28-Dec. 11, Vancouver WA


March 13-20, 2006, St. Helens
March 25-April 2, Grand Ronde
April 2-25, Warm Springs
April 29 - May 7, Pendleton/Umatilla

Lewis and Clark National Bicentennial Exhibition (actual artifacts remaining from Expedition) at Oregon Historical Society, November 11, 2005-March 11, 2006. School groups welcome. Teacher curriculum available on line and on CD. or

Professional Development Workshops

Teacher workshops with a Lewis and Clark theme are offered periodically throughout the year by a variety of agencies and organizations. Keep watching for a listing of these credit and non-credit opportunities as they are announced.

Other Resources

Try to have at least one version of the Lewis and Clark journals available for classroom reference. Local libraries may be a source. The journals are now on-line as well ( Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) occasionally schedules the Imax version of “The Journey of Lewis and Clark” which is now also marketed in VHS version by National Geographic Society. PBS also offers a new hour-long documentary on Sacagawea. For info on how to apply for a small grant to help with school field trip costs, e-mail [email protected].

For further information on education resources, including guidelines for planning a 200th birthday party for Sacagawea’s son February 11 (or other date in 2005), e-mail [email protected].

Lewis and Clark Then and Now Programming Schedule

Look for our project home page at

E-mail us at [email protected]
Call us at 314-773-6934

Curriculum-Based Distance-Learning Programs for Spring 2005

Please note that all times are listed for the Eastern Time Zone. Adjust accodingly for your time zone.

Diplomacy and the Expedition
Broadcast Date: January 27, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

In his instructions to Lewis, President Thomas Jefferson wrote: "In all your intercourse with the natives treat them in the most friendly & conciliatory manner which their own conduct will admit; allay all jealousies as to the object of your journey, satisfy them of it's innocence, make them acquainted with the position, extent, character, peaceable & commercial dispositions of the U.S., of our wish to be neighborly, friendly & useful to them, & of our dispositions to a commercial intercourse with them; confer with them on the points most convenient as mutual emporiums, & the articles of most desirable interchange for them & us."

How well did Lewis follow these instructions from Jefferson? In this program, we'll explore the role of Lewis and Clark as diplomats and take a featured look at their interactions with the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara during the winter of 1805. We'll also look at diplomacy today as we talk with Tex Hall, President of the National Congress of American Indians.

York on the Expedition
Broadcast Date: February 10, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

As the nation celebrates Black History Month, we take a closer look at the contributions of York, Captain Clark's African-American slave, to the success of the expedition. We'll be joined by Hasan Davis, premier interpreter of York, to talk about York's experiences on the journey, how he was perceived by members of the Corps and Native Americans, and how his life changed once he returned from the trip and had to return to a life of slavery. We'll also be joined by Chuck Stone, journalism professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a navigator with the Tuskegee Airman, as he shares his experiences during and after the war and his work as a journalist during the Civil Rights movement. And, as always, we'll welcome your questions for each of our guests.

Ethnology and the Expedition
Broadcast Date: February 24, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

As part of their mission, Lewis and Clark were instructed to interact with Native Americans and record their observations of these cultures. This they did, meeting a wide variety of tribes in their travels and recording amazing details in their journals and sociological survey. But how were their perceptions of these people influenced by their preconceived notions of who these people might be? How were their actions influenced by biases in their own culture, especially when it came to the roles of men and women in Indian society? Did they misinterpret any customs of the people they met? Were similar biases and misconceptions developed by Indians for their visitors as well? Ethnology is a subdivision of the field of anthroplogy that studies the distinctive characteristics of different races and how those characteristics influence social actions. Today's program asks you to take on the role of an ethnologist and investigate how certain expections, biases, and misconceptions might have influenced the Corps' interactions with Native Americans. A featured example will be the Corps' gift of a corn mill to the men of the Mandan villages during their stay with them in 1804

Sacagawea Joins the Expedition
Broadcast Date: March 10, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

March is Women’s History Month and what better way to celebrate the important contributions of women to our country than to take a closer look at the woman who made such a significant difference to the success of the expedition—Sacagawea. What do we know about her youth? How and why did she join the expedition? Why was she such a significant factor to the expedition’s success? What was her life like after the expedition?
Interact with experts on the journey and interpreters of Sacagawea as we look at this woman’s amazing life.

From the Page to the Stage: The Creation of a Lewis and Clark Opera
Broadcast Date: March 24, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create a stage production from scratch? Where would you get the script? What about the music and lyrics? How would you stage the drama? If the show is based on historic events and real people, how would you be true to that history and those people and also create a dramatically interesting production for the audience? These are questions we’ll pursue as we celebrate Music in Our Schools month by investigating just how a production goes from the “page to the stage.” Join members of the Show-Me Opera and Opera Memphis as they discuss the creation of their opera “Corps of Discovery.” Ask questions of the composer and librettist and actors and actresses who originated roles in the production.

Hydropower: Using a River to Create Energy
Broadcast Date: April 14, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

The flow of a river creates massive energy. The story of hydropower in America is the story of taking this massive natural force of energy and harnessing it to create electrical power for millions of people. Join us from Garrison Dam in North Dakota and learn how dams are built, how their technology creates electricity and how that electricity gets from the dam to the light switch in your home. Join experts from the United States Army Corps of Engineers as we investigate these scientific questions.

Math and the Expedition II
Broadcast Date: April 28, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

For this videoconference students will have the chance to investigate important mathematical concepts and apply them to real world uses. Students will explore how to find the flow of the river by calculating the area of an irregular shape and using stream speed tests. We’ll use measurements from the United States Geological Survey taken at an actual location on the Missouri River and give students the chance to interpret and graph this data. During the original expedition, William Clark determined stream speed flow using modern methods of his time. Students will have the chance to compare his method to the modern methods of the USGS as we explore these mathematical relationships.

Character of the Corps
Broadcast Date: May 12, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

What kind of characteristics did the members of the Corps of Discovery need to possess in order to succeed at their mission? What kind of characteristics did Indian tribal members possess that enabled them to survive and thrive along the route of the journey? For this program we’ll look closely at three important character traits—perseverance, cooperation and courage and the way they were employed by the people on the journey and the people they met along the way. Please join us for this investigation into character education.

Nutrition and the Expedition: Eating on the Trail
Broadcast Date: May 19, 2005
Broadcast Time: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Good nutrition and proper diet are vital to lead the most productive life you can. But what do you do when you’re on an expedition for three years and forced to live off the land for much of it? Are all the food groups available to you? How do you prepare food to make sure it’s properly cooked? We’ll look at these questions and more as we investigate that it was like for the Corps to eat on the trail. We’ll also look at Native American food preparation practices and what the members of the Corps learned from the Indians about foods available along the trail and how to prepare them. Join us for this exploration into important issues in health and nutrition.

Dates for Live with Lewis programs during Spring Semester 2005

All Live with Lewis programs run from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Eastern Time. Please adjust accordingly for your time zone.

January 27, 2005
February 17, 2005
March 17, 2005
April 14, 2005
April 28, 2005
May 12, 2005
May 19, 2005

Lewis and Clark Then and Now is co-sponsored by the School District of Clayton, Missouri and the Discovery Expedition of St. Charles. Financial support is provided by a grant from the National Park Service Challenge Cost Share Program.

Additional national collaborators include: Missouri Historical Society, Cooperating School Districts of St. Louis, MOREnet, American Distance Education Consortium, Kappa Delta Pi, The Ohio State University, OARnet, Polycom, KarlNet, Transportable Internet, Inc., Tachyon, Internet2, Peter Kiewit Institute, Buder Center for American Indian Studies, United States Army National Guard Bureau, the Greater St. Charles Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the St. Louis County Cable Television Public Educational Commission.

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