Park Service Awards $195,000 to Oregon Programs
April 1, 2003
Contact: Barbara
Allen, Executive Director, LCBO, (503)

Ore. Lewis & Clark Bicentennial in Oregon (LCBO), Oregon’s
statewide planning organization for the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial
running through 2006, recently received notice from the National Park
Service that 9 Oregon projects will receive Challenge Cost Share Grants
totally $195,000 for fiscal year 2003.
NPS Challenge
Cost Share Program monies were awarded in Oregon to support Oregon’s
national signature event, a living culture village at Tamastslikt Cultural
Institute, interpretive signage at Portland/Vancouver Lewis & Clark
sites, Rock Fort conservancy planning, an exhibition at the Portland
airport, state park upgrades, a tribal radio program, a Troutdale
Historical Society exhibit and a tribal teaching supplement for school children.
“These projects
play a critical role in Oregon’s commemoration planning and I’m pleased
that this important federal grant program supports our efforts.” Said
Rep. Betsy Johnson, president of the bicentennial organization. “LCBO
is working hard to fund many, many worthy projects all along the Columbia
River before the national commemoration focuses on Oregon and Washington
in 2005”.
The Challenge
Cost Share Program of the National Park Service was legislated by Congress
in 1995 to fund Lewis & Clark Trail projects which will: Enhance
the protection or preservation of Lewis & Clark historic sites; increase
the public understanding and appreciation of the expedition; provide
appropriate historical research of tribal culture and natural resources
associated with the expedition; and enhance the public recreational opportunities
to retrace the Lewis & Clark Trail. Grant monies require
an equal or better match to recipients. LCBO will administer the Oregon
grant monies for the NPS. |