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Current Ongoing Events

Ongoing through May 7, 2006: Lewis and Clark College’s traveling exhibit: The Literature of Lewis & Clark at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Pendleton, Oregon.

Ongoing through June, 2006: Cargo Exhibit at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. The Dalles, Oregon.

Ongoing through June, 2006: Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West IMAX film at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) Portland, Oregon.

April 2006 Lewis & Clark Discovery Greenway Project: This project consists of 14 historically accurate Lewis & Clark landing sites along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington metropolitan areas. A plan was developed to upgrade these sites for historical interpretation. When completed, this will be the only significant urban experience on the entire national trail. LCBO is producing this project in partnership with site owners. Site work is underway and will be dedicate in April, 2006. Contact: Angela Sanders @ 503-234-7023.

April-May/Spring 2006

April 22, 2006: Kick-off Celebration, Friends of the Cathlapotle Plankhouse at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, Ridgefield, WA. 5:00-6:30 PM, Ridgefield Community Center. For more information, call Jane at 574-3606. Download poster (PDF).

April 22-25, 2006: Corps of Discovery II exhibit at the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Warm Springs, Oregon.

Friday, April 28, 2006, Odyssey West, 5:30-7:00 pm, at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Rob Quist and Jack Gladstone. Two of the West’s most celebrated entertainers and songwriters have united in an unforgettable new show commemorating Lewis and Clark’s epic journey west. They literally bring the west to life with the rich historical content of their original songs and narratives. Quist is a Montana rancher’;s song. Gladstone is an American Indian from the Blackfeet Tribe. Together they take their audience on a powerful journey through the divergent paths traveled by both races, yet the message is one of hope as the paths converge for all Americans. Free and open to the public. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 29-May 7, 2006: Corps of Discovery II exhibit at the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Pendleton, Oregon.

April 29-May 7, 2006 at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute: Naamí Nisháycht ‘Our Village’ will be open during the entire event, offering the public opportunities to see various cultural demonstrations such as the cooking of delicacies in the earthen oven, the stickgame Lewis & Clark could never describe to the ‘t’; flintknapping and the making of tools; tule-mat making, and much more. Meet Steve Morehouse of the BLM, mountain man with his canoe. Meet the Traditional Games Society of Montana and their interactive challenges. Minerva Soucie, Paiute basketmaker will demonstrate her craft Saturday, May 6 only. The US Fish and Wildlife Service will present a special exhibit about endangered fauna once documented by Lewis and Clark and will provide special giveaways. Free admission throughout the nine days. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 29-30, 2006, Songs of the Umatilla—History of the Big Drum, featuring Thomas Morning Owl. Saturday 10am; Sunday 1 p.m. at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Tribal cultural leader will open the Tent of Many Voices on behalf of the Umatilla Tribe with songs and the story of how the big “pow-wow style” drum came to this region from the plains. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 29-30, 2006, Pierre Cruzatte: Musical Journey Along the Lewis and Clark Trail, featuring Daniel Slosberg. Saturday 11am & 3pm; Sunday April 30, noon at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Playing fiddle, jaw harp, bones, spoons, and other instruments of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, musician Daniel Slosberg brings to life Pierre Cruzatte—the expedition’s main boatman and most esteemed musician—in an unforgettable musical voyage, making stops along the way for humorous and moving stories about the journey. This is a 45-60 minute program suitable for audiences of all ages. Cruzatte dances onto the stage fiddling. He is a one-eyed, half-French, half-Omaha Indian Missouri River boatman—a Voyageur—who speaks with a French accent. After a fiddle tune, he introduces himself to the audience and starts to describe some of his adventures. This show is the Lewis & Clark expedition through the eyes (or eye) of Cruzatte. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 29 & May 4, 2006: Sergeant Gass, featuring Gary Lentz. April 29, noon; May 4, 1 pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Gary Lentz is the ranger at Lewis and Clark Trail State Park, just west of Dayton, Washington. He has produced a variety of Lewis and Clark performances, all education based. Here he tells the story of Sgt. Gass, one of the best known of the Expedition’s members, perhaps because he was the first to publish a journal of the Expedition, well before even the official journals of the Expedition’s leaders. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 29-30, 2005: Blackfeet Encounter, featuring Jack Gladstone. Sat. April 29, 1pm; Sun. April 30, 4 pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Jack Gladstone, a Blackfeet tribal member, presents a dramatic mix of country music and storytelling about the Blackfeet contact with the Lewis & Clark expedition. Gladstone will speak about the incident resulting in the death of two Tribal members at the hands of the expedition. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 29, 2006: Lewis & Clark through Grizzly-Colored Glasses, featuring Ritchie Doyle. Sat., April 29, 2 pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. The Corps of Discovery was not good news for the grizzly bear. Ritchie Doyle talks from the perspective of this amazing creature, reading journal entries about the famous bear and adding insights as well as slides. Ritchie Doyle is an actor, teacher, writer and Independent scholar who has been presenting this "Chautauqua" program since 1997, sponsored by the Montana Committee for the Humanities. Born and raised in 'those tremendous mountains' of western Montana, Mr. Doyle lives along Clark's Fork River, in Missoula, Montana. Mr. Doyle also teaches song writing in schools and communities with the Montana Arts Council. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 30, 2006: Troubled Trust: The Legacy of Lewis and Clark on Indian Affairs, featuring Ritchie Doyle. Sun., April 30, 3 pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. This "Living History" presentation, performed in period costume by Ritchie Doyle, brings the audience face to face with Captain William Clark of the Corps of Discovery. Tracing his childhood roots, his military career, his recollections of Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and their famous expedition, as well as Clark's role as Superintendent of Indian Affairs in his later life, this first-person portrayal covers an epic period of American history. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 29-30, 2006: Lewis and Clark and the End of the World, featuring Peter Kappler and Andrew Gordon. Sat. April 29, 4 pm; Sun., April 30, 2 pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Just three years after the Corps of Discovery completed its mission, 35-year-old Meriwether Lewis died in poverty and dishonor. His final hour is one of the more controversial events in early U.S. history, his death usually assumed to be by suicide. This play written by Bryan Willis raises other possibilities. The play explores the mind and spirit of the man and his friendship with William Clark. The play stars Harlequin Productions actors Peter Kappler as Meriwether Lewis and Andrew Gordon as William Clark. Willis wrote "Lewis and Clark and the End of the World" with intimate venues in mind. A set of simple furniture and props evokes the site of Lewis’ death, a remote inn located along Tennessee’s Natchez Trace. The play is set at the site of Lewis’ death, a remote inn located along the Natchez Trace in Tennessee. Lewis was en route to Washington, D.C. to defend himself against charges of embezzlement and incompetence as the governor of Louisiana Territory. His health was precarious; his personal finances were in shambles. Even Lewis’ patriotism was questioned and Jefferson, his great mentor and protector, was no longer president. “The play tries to get inside the mind and spirit of a complex figure. The core of the play is the friendship between Lewis and Clark. It’s the greatest buddy story of all time," Willis said. Willis wrote the script with Harlequin favorites Kappler and Gordon in mind: "Their natural repartee is very well suited for the work. They're both superb actors." Harlequin Productions is an Olympia, Washington, theater group performing since 1991. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

April 30, 2006: Imagine Their Return, Edge of the Woods Singers. Sun. April 30, 11 am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Speaking, drama, song and dance are the talents of this youthful group from Yakima, Washington. Five young people in period attire create a dramatic recreation of witnesses to the explorers’ return. Their drama turns to song, including original compositions and period tunes. Their spirited program presents the Expedition in a fun way that appeals to all ages. The Edge-of-the-Woods singers have perfected a performance of music and interpretation related to the Lewis & Clark expedition. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 1-2, 2006: We Proceeded On, featuring Helen Markwell. Mon., May 1, 9 am & 10 am; Tues. May 2, 10 am & 11 am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Sgt. Patrick Gass of the Corps hailed from West Virginia, as does second-grade teacher Helen Markwell, who portrays Sgt. Gass in an interactive exchange with the audience. She draws audience members into learning and remembering history because they take active parts in the expedition themselves. Sgt. Gass comes alive through interactive cleverness and a puppet named Sea Girl. Markwell, a Pendleton County, West Virginia teacher for 28 years, has attended ten of the 15 events signature events along the trail. In the last five years she has traveled the entire trail (4000 + miles) several times — on foot, by car and by boat. She combines her love of teaching with her enthusiasm for history by presenting a 45-minute program in which she takes the part of West Virginian Sgt. Patrick Gass. Through this character she explains in children's terms the adventures of the Expedition. Last summer in Portland, the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation honored her with the "Outstanding Achievement Award" for the year 2005. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 1 & 3, 2006: A Salmon Culture, featuring Alanna Nanegos. Mon. May 1, 9:30am & 10:30am; Wed. May 3, 9:30am & 10:30am; Fri. May 12, 10:30am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Ms. Nanegos talks about the great pride of the Umatilla Tribes in achieving the restoration of salmon to the Umatilla River. She describes all the ingredients needed for the health of salmon and humans that help make salmon restoration possible. She is Environmental Outreach Coordinator for the Dept. of Natural Resources, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 1-3, 2006: Educational Portrayals of William Clark with Craig Rockwell. Mon May 1, 11:30am; Tues. May 2, 10:30 & 11:30am; Wed. May 3, 9am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Rockwell connects Captain Clark to a present-day audience by connecting the 1800s with national events and American culture between now and then, covering everything from the relationship between Lewis and Clark (and contextual histories) to Clark's role in Indian policy. Rockwell has portrayed Captain William Clark at numerous events across the country, including in the second inaugural parade of President George Bush. He also portrayed Clark in the Peter Coyote radio drama, “Unfinished Journey”. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 1, 2006: First Do No Harm (Medicine) with Gary Lentz. Mon. May 1, 1pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Examines the medicines that Lewis and Clark carried and employed on their men, American Indians and themselves. It includes a demonstration of bleeding, purging and display of both medicine chests and their contents. Lentz, who portrays Sgt. Patrick Gass, has served on the Washington State Governor’s Lewis & Clark Trail Committee since 1982. He is currently Vice President of the Washington State Chapter of the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. With a background in zoology and natural history he has been the manager of Lewis & Clark Trail State Park since 1979. Lentz has presented programs on the weapons, tools, journals, medicine, and other aspects of the Corps of Volunteers for NW Discovery. He has worked with local historians, artists, and others as a consultant. He also writes a column, “Kumtux Wawa”, for the Washington State Chapter of the L&C Trail Heritage Foundation’s newsletter. And he has written about the medicines of Capt. Lewis, and was awarded the Washington State Historical Society’s David Douglas Award. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 1, 2006: What Became of the Lewis and Clark Explorers After the Expedition? Larry Morris and Gary Lentz. Mon. May 1, 2pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. This is a general overview of the 33 members of the Corps of Discovery, followed by specific discussions of Lewis, Sacagawea, York and Colter. What happened to the members from 1806 to the death of the last member in 1870? Larry E. Morris (MA, Brigham Young University) is a writer and editor with the Institute for the Study and Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts at Brigham Young University. He recently published a book with Yale University Press on the ultimate fate of the members of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Gary Lentz is the ranger at Lewis and Clark Trail State Park, just west of Dayton, Washington. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 4, 2006: Sage Grouse with Jenny Barnett. Thurs. May 4, 9:30am & 10:30am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Jenny Barnett, wildlife biologist for the CTUIR, shares a vivid photographic display of the endangered sage grouse of eastern Oregon. Common at the time of the Expedition, the sage grouse has disappeared from Umatilla County, but is still found in southeastern Oregon and in parts of other states nearby. The presentation includes superb images of the sage grouse and its habitat, while Barnett, who studied the sage grouse for her master’s thesis, describes this fascinating native bird. The American Indians copied the sage grouse’s courting rituals in their traditional dances. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 4, 2006: Butterflies of Our Region with Jim Dillman. Thursday, May 4, 10:00am and 11:30am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. The butterflies are the tiniest messengers of how our world is changing.
Dillman, an architect from Richland, shares his expert knowledge of native butterflies and discloses the trends in moth and butterfly populations as our world changes, including insights into the global warming phenomenon. He regularly surveys butterfly populations for such organizations as the CTUIR, the federal government and the Nature Conservancy in work that takes him from Canada to California, and for the past 15 years has lectured frequently to audiences, including many school groups. He’ll describe how the butterflies migrate, which are common to our area, which are becoming rare and why some are disappearing. His displays of the region’s butterflies will remain at Tamástslikt throughout the nine days of Corps II’s visit. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 3, 2006: Plants and Fish of the Umatilla River with Cheryl and Gene Shippentower. Wed. May 3, 10am & 11 am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Cheryl, botanist, and Gene, fish biologist, are both Umatilla Tribal members who have an indepth knowledge of the abundant natural resources of the Tribal world. They share their knowledge of the life of the Umatilla River with specimens and photographs. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 3, 2006: First Contact with Gary Lentz. Wed. May 3, 11:30am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Lentz’s most popular program, this demonstrates the first meetings between the Corps of Discovery and the first peoples of the Pacific Northwest. Methods of fire starting, food preparation, weapons, tools, and clothing are contrasted with the methods and items carried by Lewis and Clark, such as steel traps, knives, mirrors, guns, wool cloth and cooking utensils. Gary Lentz is the ranger at Lewis and Clark Trail State Park, just west of Dayton, Washington. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 3, 2006: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) with Diana LaSarge. Wed. May 3, 2pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. The Cultural Resources Protection Program of the CTUIR plays the important role of preserving sacred cultural resources of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The program has invited representatives of other neighboring Tribes to participate in this panel to talk about why this important law exists to protect Tribal resources such as burial sites and cultural sites. Soon after Lewis and Clark, new settlers arrived in our region and it wasn’t long before they were digging up Native graves and “collecting” human remains and artifacts. After nearly two centuries of this behavior, NAGPRA has become the legal mechanism by which the Tribes can retrieve these lost items from their heritage, including the bones of their ancestors. LaSarge is an anthropologist and the NAGPRA coordinator for the CTUIR. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 4, 2006: Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, 'Discovery,' and the Indian Tribes with Robert Miller, Associate Professor of Law, Northwestern School of Law, Lewis & Clark College. Thurs. May 4, 2pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Dr. Miller speaks regularly on issues such as cultural protection and sovereignty for Indian tribes, employment issues related to American Indians, issues regarding tribal governments, and the Lewis & Clark expedition. He is also actively involved in the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial because he was appointed by his tribe to be on the Circle of Tribal Advisors (COTA), which works with the National Council of the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial. He is an enrolled citizen of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma. Professor Miller is also the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and sits as a judge for other tribes. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 5, 2006: Traditional Games Society Demonstrates Tribal Games with Arleen Adams. Fri. May 5, 9am, 9:30am, 11am, 11:30am; Sat. May 6, 1pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Shinney, lacrosse, ring the stick, arrow throw, run and scream; they're all part of American Indian history, games played long before basketball was invented. The International Traditional Games Society was established in 1997, involving cultural directors from each of Montana's seven reservations. More than 25 games have been revived, some nearly lost over the past decades, to maintain that aspect of culture and for inclusion in schools and ceremonial events. Arleen Adams, Salish/Kootenai, serves on the International Tribal Games Society. She's taught school for 15 years and found some of the games have worked well to build self-esteem and energy, and to teach youngsters to work together. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 5, 2006: Medicine of the Expedition with John Fisher. Friday May 5, 10am & 10:30am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. John Fisher provides an examination of the medicine available to the expedition. Dressed in costume, he pulls authentic medical instruments and meds from a period medicine chest while he reviews the myriad illnesses and accidents that befell expedition members, from gunshot wounds to syphillis. Fisher is an award-winning science teacher who retired from Lewiston High School to pursue research on Lewis & Clark. Fisher has created one of the most extensive displays of Lewis and Clark expedition gear and natural science specimens in the United States. His medicine chest featuring the medicines and period medical instruments used on the expedition has been exhibited nationwide while his text on medicine of the expedition is used by historical interpreters across the country. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 5 & 6, 2006: York with Hassan Davis. Fri. May 5, 4pm; Sat. May 6, noon & 3pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. The Indians much astonished at my black servent, who made himself more turrible in their view than I wished him to doe as I am told telling them that before I cought him he was wild & lived upon people, young children was very good eating.” William Clark, October 10, 1804. Hassan Davis performs the nation’s best known portrayal of Capt. Clark’s black slave, York, the only black person on the expedition. He also portrayed Clark in the Peter Coyote radio drama, “Unfinished Journey”. And he participated in the second inaugural parade of George Bush, portraying York. For the most part, York was an equal member of the expedition party, but at the end of the journey, when others received land grants and double pay, York received nothing and was forced to return to slavery. York was eventually granted his freedom. Davis hopes bringing stories like York’s to life will create more understanding about lesser-known figures in history. Davis is a graduate of the University of Kentucky law school and works with at-risk young people to help them overcome adversity. He is vice-chairman of the Federal Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee, which advises the President and Congress on matters related to juvenile justice. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 6, 2006: Environmental Legacy of the Columbia Plateau with Tom Bailor and Stuart Harris. Sat. May 6, 10am at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Harris, the director of the Dept. of Science and Engineering for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and Bailor, the information outreach manager for the Department, will present a very visual description of the environmental changes which have taken place in our region since the arrival of Lewis and Clark. Using lots of maps, photos and other illustrations they demonstrate the huge changes that affect wildlife, human health and the entire environment, using the descriptions of Lewis and Clark in their journals as a baseline. Their department focuses on the use of science to understand the environment and the use of modern technology’s tools to achieve environmental balance. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 6, 2006: People of Sacajawea with Rod Arriwite. Sat. May 6, 11am and 4pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. Arriwite is a member and former chairman of the Lemhi Shoshone Tribe, birth tribe of Sacajawea, the only woman on the Expedition. He describes the culture in which she was raised and to which she returned while on the Expedition. Sacajawea was 11 when a Mandan-Hidatsa raiding party kidnapped her and it was among those Tribes that she was living, still a teenager, when Lewis recruited her husband, Charbonneau, as an Expedition member. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 7, 2006: The Land and the People 200 Years Later: A Symposium on the State of the Tribal Environment with Representatives of the Umatilla, Blackfeet, Clatsop, Mandan, Salish-Kootenai, Nez Perce and Lemhi Shoshone Tribes. Sun. May 7, 1pm-4pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. All of the Tribes to be represented in this symposium met the Lewis and Clark expedition. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May 7, 2006: Official Handover to the Nez Perces. Sun., May 7, 4pm at Tamástslikt Cultural Institute. At this time, the Umatilla Tribes will officially hand over custody of the Corps of Discovery II to the Nez Perce Tribes, who will be next American Indian hosts for the Park Service exhibit. For a complete list of the events and more details, visit

May-September, 2006: Lewis & Clark: the National Bicentennial Exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC.

June-August/Summer 2006

June 10, 2006: The Summer Ranger Program at Fort Clatsop begins at the new Fort. Astoria, Oregon. Join costume park rangers in demonstrations and talks on Life at Fort Clatsop. See more events - link to PDF.

June 14-17, 2006: Among the Nimiipuu (The Nez Perce) National Signature Event. Lewiston, Idaho. or

June 17-September 9, 2006: The Eternal Thread (Maori textiles and feather work exhibit) at the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Museum. Warm Springs, Oregon.

July 15, 2006: "Exploring the Far West 1806-2006: The Legacy of Lewis and Clark" and will open to the public on Saturday July 15th, 2006, at the High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon. The exhibit will trace America's ever-changing ambitions and perspectives of the far west through a collection of maps, instruments, specimens, and voices of those who picked up where Captains Lewis and Clark left off. The themes of Manifest Destiny, travel and transportation, making the west a home, and utilization of resources will be explored.

July 22-25, 2006: Clark on the Yellowstone National Signature Event. Billings, Montana.

August 17-20, 2006: Reunion at the Home of Sakakawea National Signature Event. New Town, North Dakota.

September-December/Fall 2006

September 20-24, 2006: Lewis & Clark: Currents of Change final National Signature Event. St. Louis, Missouri.

September, 2006: Lewis & Clark College’s bicentennial symposia series. Portland, Oregon.

September 23-24, 2006: Confluence With Destiny: The Return of Lewis & Clark National Signature Event. St. Louis, Missouri.

September 28 - January 7, 2007: Creations: 13th Annual Tribal Member Art Exhibit at Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Museum. Warm Springs, Oregon.

October 3, 2006: New replica of Fort Clatsop completed. Astoria, Oregon.

2007 Events

March 2007: Observation of the 50th anniversary of the inundation of Celilo Falls on the Columbia River sponsored by the Center for Columbia River History. The Dalles, Oregon.

Signature Event

November 11 - 15, 2005: Destination: The Pacific. This is Oregon’s Bicentennial Signature Event, one of 14 sanctioned by the National Council of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial. Contact Destination: The Pacific at (503) 861-4403.

Link to more Signature Event information.

Ongoing Events

Oregon, My OregonOregon, My Oregon, new, permanent exhibit opened in July 2004 at the Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon. One area is devoted to the Lewis & Clark Expedition.

September 2003 - September 2006: Lewis and Clark College Educational Programming. Lewis and Clark College is designing educational programs for adults that emphasize the lasting legacy of the expedition in the context of the American Enlightenment that celebrated the primacy of reason over tradition, fostered the discovery of natural laws, encouraged the collection of objects, ideas, and information. These annual educational symposiums and exhibits will engage diverse audiences in exploring the expedition’s intellectual legacy. During each year of the Bicentennial observance, the College will mount programs around an annual theme.  Contact: Sherry Manning, Lewis & Clark College, (503) 768-7207.

Ongoing through mid-2006 Cargo Exhibit: This exhibit at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center in The Dalles, Oregon, interprets the equipment and supplies of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Exhibit features include Indian Presents, Arms & Accoutrements, Medicines, Camp Equipment & Provisions, Transportation, Mathematical Instruments, Clothing and much, much more. Contact: Renee Walasavage @ 541-296-8600.

The Rivers Discovery Project will commemorate Lewis and Clark’s journey along the Columbia, Willamette, and Sandy Rivers through the installation of interpretive signs at 14 historically significant sites. Currently, these important sites either do not have signs explaining their importance, or the signs are damaged or inaccurate. The new interpretive signs will describe the Corps of Discovery’s activities at each site, as well as explain the site’s tribal and environmental importance, and they are constructed to last indefinitely. Signs will be installed at Rooster Rock, Lewis & Clark State Park, Dabney State Park, Cottonwood Beach, Portland International Airport, Government Island, Ryan’s Point, Kelley Point Park, Cathedral Park, University of Portland, Post Office Lake, Ridgefield Wildlife Reserve, and Sauvie Island. Contact Angela Sanders, LCBO Project Manager, (503) 234-7023, [email protected].

Lewis & Clark Landscapes Project: The Trust for Public Land, Friends of the Columbia Gorge and the Sierra Club will co-sponsor a project to build public support for protecting Gorge open spaces through federal land acquisition. Recent legislation has encouraged willing sellers in the Gorge to offer the Forest Service 187 parcels totaling 6,700 acres, including a Lewis & Clark campsite across from Memaloose Island. The Forest Service has three years to make offers to buy these lands or the land will convert to a zoning that will allow more development and increased logging and mining in the Gorge. The goal of the Landscapes Project is to see 3,000-4,000 acres of private lands move into public ownership by 2005. Contact: Kevin Gorman, Executive Director, Friends of the Columbia Gorge, at (503) 241-3762 x104, web site

Educational Programming at Lewis & Clark College: Yearly symposia sponsored by the College at various venues in the Portland area. Contact: Sherry Manning at (503) 768-7207 or [email protected]. For a complete listing, go to:

Permanent exhibit: The Astoria Column, a pictorial frieze of the history of the Columbia River & Northwest Territory. Astoria, Oregon. The column is the final and crowning monument in a series of 12 historical markers erected in the early 1900’s between St. Paul, Minnesota and Astoria, Oregon. It stands on Coxcomb Hill and has been recently renovated. For directions and more information, contact Friends of Astoria Column, Inc. @ 503-325-2963

“Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West” is an IMAX file playing at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) in Portland, Oregon. For film times and other information, go to

Permanent exhibit: They Still Speak to Us pictograph exhibit and Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow exhibits as the Museum at Warm Springs.

Permanent exhibit: Living Culture Village at the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, Umatilla Indian Reservation.

Permanent exhibit: The Lewis & Clark National Historic Park. Oregon and Washington sites.


No conference listings at this time.