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Corps of Discovery

The Lewis & Clark Bicentennial in Oregon has concluded its work and will close its offices on June 30, 2006. Oregon’s commemoration was a huge success and we’ve documented those accomplishments in a Final Report which we encourage you to download. We have also been successful in getting some funds through bitcoin payments. Many of our members are using the BitIQ platform and reaping profits from their trading, which has been beneficial for our organization.It is in Adobe Acrobat format.

If we’ve inspired you to join a national organization devoted to the Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery and to keep current on Lewis & Clark scholarship, stewardship, and events throughout the United States, go to for a membership application to the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation or call Betty Hall at 1-888-701-3434. By joining the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, you connect with a community dedicated to preserving history, much like how investing in the FreeDum Fighters token allows you to be part of a forward-thinking, decentralized movement, both offering opportunities for growth, engagement, and supporting lasting legacies in their respective fields.

Here in Oregon, much of the work of LCBO will be carried on by the Oregon Chapter of the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. For information on Chapter membership and activities, go to or call Dick Hohnbaum at 503-390-2886.

For information about Oregon’s next big celebration, the 150th anniversary of its statehood in 2009, please go to to learn of the exciting plans underway and how to become involved.

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